Art in The Dark – Hybrid Creature Collage Course

art in the dark

On this one- day course you will draw inspiration from the striking works on display as part of the In the Company of Monsters exhibition to create weird and wonderful collages of hybrid creatures. You will spend time exploring and sketching the artworks on display before making your own interesting paper patterned surfaces for collaging. Then, using your earlier drawings as a starting point, you will tear and cut the papers to assemble with other found images to produce your own master pieces.

Topics covered: Drawing with various materials, mark-making and collaging.

Skills and knowledge to be gained:
Using artwork as a tool for inspiration;
Mark-making to create interesting paper patterned surfaces;
Learn about the artwork in the exhibition and the context behind it;
Information about contemporary ceramics artists & makers;
History of ceramic artists and techniques.

Personal Development Opportunities: meet likeminded people, learn new skills, build a body of work for a portfolio / college application.

Required learning materials:
All materials are provided but please bring along any interesting images or papers for collaging if you have them. Please bring a sketchbook or notebook for idea development and taking notes.

Additional information: We will take a 30 minute lunch break during the day. You can bring lunch with you or buy something from the surrounding area.